Goal-Setting Strategies for the Mompreneur

by | Nov 24, 2022 | News and Updates

Goal-setting is an important part of running a business. Goals give a mompreneur a clear path to work towards something and motivates you to keep on hustling over a period of time. 

Michelle Ong, certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach (INHC), and founder of Wellness by MOO will guide us through steps in setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound (SMART) goals. 

Setting SMART Goals

“Is this a hobby or a business?” asked Coach Michelle. A mom’s priorities are always her family and children. If this is a business (and not a hobby) you need to set clear goals so that the time your business takes you away from your children and family are well-worth it. 

We know what SMART goals mean, but how do we begin setting them? Here are some tips from Coach Michelle. 

  • Before writing down your SMART goals, reflect and listen to what people keep saying you’re good at. Is it in line with the business you have? You must have skills that you’re good at. And if not, include steps in your goals to educate yourself further. 
  • Ask yourself what makes you happy. What makes you get up in the morning that you enjoy doing? 
  • Remember that setting goals is a changing journey. Goals change depending on your current situation and the age of your children. As an example, moms of teens and adult children will have more time to shine and do their own things. 

Now, you’re ready to write your SMART goals. Download the SMART goals worksheet here courtesy of Coach Michelle Ong and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. 

  •         S stands for specific and time-bound. Answer important questions like who’s involved, what do you want to accomplish, where will you do this, why, and by when.
  •         Measurable means ensuring your goal is realistic, and that you of have a checklist of steps to get your goals done. One of the realistic things to consider is the amount of capital you need to invest and that it’s within your current means.
  •         A is attainable. Have the right attitude and ability to conquer your identified goals. Coach Michelle suggests an important question to ask yourself during goal setting. “When I get older, is this the person I want to be? Is this me? Do your goals align with your future self?”
  •         Goals should be Realistic because it involves your time. Be honest with yourself and the time and energy you’ll put into your business. Your goals should challenge you enough to motivate you.
  •         T is timely. Have a deadline and keep pushing.


Know your vision and goals

As moms we might find it funny to ask ourselves what we want to be and what we want to do. But they must be asked!

To know your personal vision, Coach Michelle suggests creating a vision board through simple apps like Pic Collage and Pinterest. Scan through photos and articles, then pick out words and photos that stand out for you. This exercise brings out your more authentic self of what you want to do and who you are.

Another exercise you download is called Circle of Life. Fill it up to gauge how satisfied you are with aspects of your life. Coach Michelle adds, “When you do it first, you’ll see which part you’re not satisfied with. And if you’re not satisfied, create steps for what’s next. It’s a vision because it’s something you want to improve. Then, you set your goals.

Michelle Ong is a certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach (INHC) and founder of Wellness by MOO. She does one-on-one coaching to help women find balance in ife, and discover the food and lifestyle that best suits them without the rigidity, deprivation and guilt. Contact her for a FREE health history call and talk about areas where you’d like to see improvements, and how she can help and guide you in achieving your health goals. You can contact her at michelle@wellnessbymoo.com or through her website wellnessbymoo.com.