Marketing Your Business in 2023

by | Jan 24, 2023 | Resources

We can all agree that 2020 was a year like no other. The pandemic seemed to change existing rules about building brands and running businesses.

Over the last two years, Filipinos have embraced the internet, online shopping, and electronic payments. Many mompreneurs have taken their brands online. E-commerce in our country is forecasted to rise until 2025. But with people getting more comfortable to shop and dine outdoors, we wonder what customer needs and expectations will be moving forward.. 

In this short article, Mompreneurs Together offers three insights on how we can shift our own marketing and sales strategy to thrive this 2023, and make it our best entrepreneurial year ever. 

Re-define your marketing

Entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker Seth Godin says that present-day marketing is about telling a story that effects change. A good marketing strategy must create a story that other people want to be a part of because it changes them for the better. 

It is interesting to ponder how your marketing strategy can change your client for the better. 

Godin adds that marketing used to mean advertising, creating hype, and getting the word out to people. But our new normal has the internet in everyone’s hands. And if customers don’t find a sense of identity through your brand’s story, they can use the internet to find something cheaper. 

We don’t listen to traditional ads like we used to. Consumers know their needs and they go ahead and listen to what colleagues, friends, and family say. These are the valuable conversations we as mompreneurs need to learn how to insert ourselves in. 

Decide on your market segment

Creating a personal connection requires you to know who you are talking to. 

The EY Future Consumer Index, which has conducted five waves of research with 14,500 individuals in 20 countries since the start of the pandemic, has identified five different groups of consumers:

  1. Affordability first (32% of consumers): Living within their means and budget, focusing less on brands and more on product functionality.
  2. Health first (25%): Protecting their health and that of their family, choosing products they trust to be safe and minimizing risks in the way that they shop.
  3. Planet first (16%): Trying to minimize their impact on the environment and buying brands that reflect their beliefs.
  4. Society first (15%): Working together for the greater good, buying from organizations they find to be honest and transparent.
  5. Experience first (12%): Living in the moment to make the most of life, often making them open to new products, brands, and experiences.Source:

Who among these segments are you targeting?

Be digitally agile

To have a good conversation, be a better listener. Are people talking about you? Are people looking for you? What do they have to say about your business? How is your product or business resonating? 

Use this information to engage, engage, and engage on your chosen digital platform. And if you find that your current content is not inspiring reaction, be agile and change it. The digital age means everyone gets do-overs until you get it right.

Incorporate some immeasurable metrics into your marketing and sales strategy. Put a premium on creating authentic connections, product value, and having your audience communicate back to you. 

What do you think of this article? Drop us your thoughts and let’s talk about the best marketing strategies to use this 2023.